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Naruto Manga [Warning: Spoilers]

Ryo the Tactician

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[color=darkblue][size=1]So, 368 turned out to be primarily more build up for the upcoming fights. On the plus side, Konan finally has a name and we found out that she's an origami-jutsu user. A pretty interesting combination, I must say, especially seeing how paper tends to go rather limp in rain. :/ I suppose there's some reason behind the pairing, though.

Admittedly, I thought that Jiraiya had a pretty lame disguise when he initially showed up to trick those two low-rankers....then the frog transformed. I guess that's what I get for underestimating the man, lol.[/color][/size]
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[quote name='Kei'][color=darkblue][size=1]So, 368 turned out to be primarily more build up for the upcoming fights. On the plus side, Konan finally has a name and we found out that she's an origami-jutsu user. A pretty interesting combination, I must say, especially seeing how paper tends to go rather limp in rain. :/ I suppose there's some reason behind the pairing, though.

Admittedly, I thought that Jiraiya had a pretty lame disguise when he initially showed up to trick those two low-rankers....then the frog transformed. I guess that's what I get for underestimating the man, lol.[/color][/size][/QUOTE]

[SIZE="1"]ACK !! Stop spoiling it for us Kei !! :p

Just kidding.

Well NMR hasn't put up the latest manga yet, but I assume by Konan you mean Pein's blue haired partner...though one would wonder if Kashimoto could have picked a better name...

Anyway, finally got around to reading Kakashi Gaiden last night, and I still believe that Tobi is an older Obito. When he got crushed by that big rock, there just wasn't enough blood for it to be convincing for me. I know there were other rocks as well, but the way they fell didn't actually appear to hit Obito, just surround him. So yeah, I'm going to keep my theory that Obito is Tobi because it would be a hell of a lot more interesting for everybody that way.[/SIZE]
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[FONT="Book Antiqua"][SIZE="2"]368 was alright I guess, but I just wish that it hadn't focused entirely on Jiraiya...but in any case it just wasn't that great of a chapter to me. Probably because it's just a build up for the next chapter's. I never really like those. But Jiraiya tricking those two rain ninja into coming into his giant frog was pretty cool though, lol.[/SIZE][/FONT]
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[SIZE="1"]Meh, I really didn't think much of 368 to be honest. I suppose after the last chapter, anything short of the Itachi/Sasuke fight or more Minato/Kushina backstory was going to seem boring, that and I still think the name Konan for a woman just doesn't work. Hopefully next week's chapter will be better.

Just OOC, does anyone know what Namikaze means ? Seeing as all the other surnames of major characters have some importance I was just curious about it. [/SIZE]
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"Namikaze" is spelled with the kanji for "waves" and "wind", which, when put together, can sometimes mean "discord" or "restlessness".

And I don't see how that chapter was boring. After six or seven years we finally have the names and basic specialities of every member of Akatsuki (it took so long for Kishimoto to dish out the information that half of Akatsuki's died in the meantime!) and that frog-pub trick was classic.

Looks like we'll get that all-out Pain/Jiraiya fight soon, though.
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[quote name='Raiyuu']"Namikaze" is spelled with the kanji for "waves" and "wind", which, when put together, can sometimes mean "discord" or "restlessness".[/quote]

[SIZE="1"]Ah, thanks for the explanation Raiyuu. If Naruto is anything to go by, I would guess restlessness might be the better translation.[/SIZE]

[quote name='Raiyuu']And I don't see how that chapter was boring. After six or seven years we finally have the names and basic specialities of every member of Akatsuki (it took so long for Kishimoto to dish out the information that half of Akatsuki's died in the meantime!) and that frog-pub trick was classic.

Looks like we'll get that all-out Pain/Jiraiya fight soon, though.[/QUOTE]

[SIZE="1"]I just didn't think there was enough going on to really get excited over. I mean all we really saw was Jiraiya trapping two low-class Rain ninjas and Konan revealing that she has a name and is an origami-jutsu user. Compared to some of the story we've had over the last few chapters, it just seemed a bit drawn out. I suppose this is all to build up for the two major fights coming.[/SIZE]
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[color=#007520]I've caught up again...

and while I read I've had a few strange feelings in the direction of the story.

Firstly, it seemed to me that the story was almost ending. At first I thought it was because the comic might be ending soon. Then I realized, with Pain and Tobi, that if anything is ending soon, it'll just be the arc.

Secondly, Jiraiya will die soon. He's had a lot of exposure, and a little more of his backstory has been told. Also, if he dies now, it'll be heroic, and a great way to show the strength of the new villains. He even said himself that his role is almost done.

Regarding the question posted, am I the only one that still uses Narutofan?

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[quote name='r2vq'][color=#007520]
Regarding the question posted, am I the only one that still uses Narutofan?
[FONT="Book Antiqua"]
[SIZE="2"]Nope, surpisingly enough I've still stuck with them over the years. And don't quote me on this, but...I think they get the Naruto manga up quicker than Naruto Manga Returns, Gavin.;) And as for 369, it didn't really do much for me, unfortunately. All this chapter was really about was just building up for the uber awesome fight to come.:animesigh Nevertheless, chapter 369 still managed to raise an eyebrow at the end with Pein lying down in a one of those pod-like thing's amongst other Akatsuki. Anybody have any idea what that's about?[/SIZE][/FONT]
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If I'm busy Fridays (which I have been the last couple of weeks, surprisingly enough!), then I use Naruto Manga Returns since it will have updated by the time I'm online. If I'm not busy, however, I use NarutoFan because it's up there earlier.

You know, when I first saw all the pods, I was like "OI WTF" but we [i]do[/i] know Pein can make clones from other people (it's what he did with Itachi and Kisame all the way back at the beginning of Shippuden, after all), so I guess that's where he keeps all of them, perhaps for regenerative purposes. *shrugs* From what I can tell, there's [i]at least[/i] one other Pein clone (the one who opens his eyes at the end), and it doesn't appear as though all the Akatsuki in the tubes are clones of Pein (I'm talking 'bout fatty on the bottom left). Then again, maybe they could all be Pein clones of different body types? Hell if I know. I'm just admiring how bonkers the story is now.
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[SIZE="1"]Meh, I just use NMR because it was the first site I found the manga easily available on.

I had a similar reaction to the clone pods as Mike did, but I suppose that explains how Pein was able to beat a ninja of apparently the strength of Salamander Hanzo if he was the one to name the Sannin. Who I guess was also the influence of the "stand on your animal summon's head to look cool" pose for them all. Makes me wish we had seen more of Sarutobi at his prime.[/SIZE]
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[color=darkblue][size=1]Don't worry, r2. I still use NarutoFan, despite the outcries of "TRAVESTY" when I inform most people of such. >.>;

Anyway, I am interested by this whole pod business, though I'm more interested in the fact that Tobi (or Madara?) made an appearance at the end of the chapter. I'm not quite sure what's going on there, but it's made me start formulating some theories that may be a bit off-the-wall at the moment, but will likely end up being true. XD Only time will tell.[/color][/size]
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[quote name='Kei'][color=darkblue][size=1]Anyway, I am interested by this whole pod business, though I'm more interested in the fact that Tobi (or Madara?) made an appearance at the end of the chapter.[/color][/size][/QUOTE]

That was the second Pein I mentioned in my post, actually. Unless Tobi's eye switched places without telling us. :P

(At least I [i]hope[/i] it's a second Pein, though it'd be hilarious if Pein went down there, got into a pod, closed his eyes for like two seconds, and then woke up again for the hell of it, all so Kishimoto could show us the precious pods.)
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[color=darkblue][size=1]Hm, from that angle, it seems that Tobi's eye hole is in the right place. It's always been on the right as far as I can tell. But you're probably right.

But anyway, what's likely happening is that Pein is shifting his conciousness to all these other clone bodies and whatnot so that no one can tell who he is at any given moment. Though whether he can use their abilities or not is yet to be seen, it's still a troubling thought. :/[/color][/size]
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[COLOR=#001824][SIZE="1"][FONT="Trebuchet MS"][quote name='Ikillion'][COLOR=#5d0b08][SIZE="1"][COLOR="Black"][FONT="Trebuchet MS"][SIZE="1"] I think he was referring that Madara may have been the first holder of the Sharingan / founder of the Uchiha Clan.[/SIZE][/FONT][/COLOR][/SIZE][/COLOR][/QUOTE]

Haha, I love it when I am right.

and honestly, if you think that Jiraiya still isn't toast yet? This chapter will probably seal the deal. Although if I were to place my bets on what [strike]obito[/strike] Tobi is doing, Ihe's probably going to try and either summon Madara (again? lol) or do some wierd Uchiha trick, probably referencing something that Sasuke read in that book in the secret uchiha spot.

And seriously, what is up with "that" jutsu?![/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
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[color=darkblue][size=1]...Masashi Kishimoto is officially on crack.

I mean, seriously. After all that, now we find out that there's a possibility that the Kyuubi was possibly summoned to the village. What the hell, man.

Still, like you, Ikillion, I'm wondering what "that jutsu" is as well. It's more than likely Minato's ultimate technique, which can possibly only be utilized with the amount of chakra that Naruto has.

Which brings up another point. If Naruto has the light half of the Kyuubi's chakra (and [i]that's[/i] the light half?!), where did the dark half go? More importantly... who possibly has control of it now?[/color][/size]
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[FONT="Book Antiqua"][SIZE="2"]I swear, WTF, we have spent like 249 episode's on the basis that the Kyubi was some ginormous, uber-powerful fox that killed bunches of people. And now we learn that the damn thing might have just been summoned by somebody, [B]WTF[/B]. I mean wow, this is like some of the craziest **** Kishimoto has told yet.[/SIZE][/FONT]
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[size=1]Oh. Just. Wonderful. I wonder how long it will take the Uchiha brat to rise to Madara's newly expanded power ? Seriously, all we need now is for him to be revealed as the holder of the darker half of the Kyubi's chakra to make him totally untouchable.

I'm actually pretty curious about what "that jutsu" is too, hopefully we'll get some answers next week.[/size]
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Ch. 370 is now available over at NarutoFan. A little bit later than usual, but it’s there.

I stil don’t think Jiraiya will die. He might get severly injured, but surely he must have something up his sleeves to be willing to confront Pein. And I hope this new mysterious jutsu will deliver and won’t be some kind of upgraded Rasengan.
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[COLOR="Navy"]This may sound a bit mean, but I'm kind of hoping Jiraya kicks the bucket. The same issues I had with Naruto, I have with Jiraya. (Don't mind me lol)

Anyways, for some reason I always thought that the 2 statues were the first 2 hokages, and it didn't even cross my mind to compare the white spikey haired hokage (2nd hokage right?) to the spikey haired statue guy. (I need to learn to remember names lol.)[/COLOR]
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[SIZE="1"]Yeah, the white spikey haired Hokage was the second one.

While I'm with Treble hoping that Jiraiya makes it out of this one alive, it's being built up by his actions pretty clearly that he won't. That said, we're probably in for one hell of a fight, though I was hoping it'd be versus Tobito rather than Konan and Pein.[/SIZE]
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[quote name='Gavin'][SIZE="1"]
That said, we're probably in for one hell of a fight, though I was hoping it'd be versus Tobito rather than Konan and Pein.[/SIZE][/QUOTE]

[FONT="Book Antiqua"][SIZE="2"]Yeah, believe it or not, I'm actually more interested in finding out what some of "Tobito's" jutsu are, rather than Pein or Konan's. And as for Jiraiya, well, I would like for him to live,but his action's seem to point in another direction...
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