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The Padded Room Party: Random Thoughts


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[color="#4169E1"][size="1"]I'm not even gonna lie.

I think the board looks messy & unorganized at this point. It's too much of the same thing over & over again, & it's a lot wider than it used to be. The colors are boring, & the whole thing is much less focused (& yes, I already changed my skin to the one that at least has SOME color in it. How daring.)

This is my personal opinion, of course. I like the new features fo sho. But the whole appearance is just silly. One thing that I used to say that I liked about OB was that it looked different from most other website I went to & because of that it was more distinguishable. Now everything that once made it distinguishable is gone, sweet.

Also, lol. After reading the last few pages, I seem to be the only one that thinks negatively of the change.

I also dislike that now there's this popularity bullshit, profile comments, & friends. The display name thing is cute, but I can guarantee you it'll be a bitch to figure out who everyone is after a while. (Yes, I am aware that I can view the history of that.)

Sorry I'm coming off as unappreciative or whatever. But it's not even just the new server that I dislike. I know other websites that use this server that have still managed to make it look more appeasing to the eye ([url="http://www.pandys.org/forums/"]Pandy's[/url] & [url="http://www.asexuality.org/en/index.php?act=idx"]AVEN[/url]).

Long story short: not a fan. Sorry.

& I know this was long. But I figured I'd get out all my complaining at once. Also luls wtf where did my avatar go? EDIT, ALSO OH MY IT DOES NOT CENSOR ANYMORE APPARENTLY.

Edit again. I just realized that my profile picture & avatar are the same as when I joined 4 years ago... This is odd. But fixable so yay.[/size][/color] Edited by taperson
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[quote name='taperson' date='01 June 2010 - 09:55 PM' timestamp='1275422136' post='694124']
[color="#4169E1"][size="1"]It's too much of the same thing over & over again, & it's a lot wider than it used to be. [/size][/color]
I like the width, like back in the old days of OB. :(

My only complaints would also be small design wise, though. I think it'd be neat to have some more difference between read and unread threads and wouldn't mind a slightly darker for every second thread title background.

But that's all. :^D
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[color="#4B0082"][font="Arial"][quote name='Korey' date='01 June 2010 - 10:34 AM' timestamp='1275410076' post='694112']
[color="#000080"][font="Franklin Gothic Medium"]Gah, now I have to find another Avatar, because I was using an OB default one :P[/font][size="1"][/size][/color]
I was using a custom Avatar and yet it still reverted to one I had well over a year ago. I had to re-upload mine. [/font][/color]
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[b]My avatar and signature were removed. However, it was really just my avatar I guess, since I had removed my signature already.

So time for a fresh start! :)

I do miss the old emotes though. And what is this display name thing that I am hearing so much about? How do you use it?

Also, is anyone else just glad OB is back up? I know I am. It was offline longer than I thought it would be.[/b]
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[quote name='Lilt' date='01 June 2010 - 11:38 PM' timestamp='1275428301' post='694137']And what is this display name thing that I am hearing so much about? How do you use it?
Locate "My Settings" at the top of the screen and click it ->
Select "Display Name" from the list of settings ->
Fill in the name that you want, followed by your password in the next box and submit it -> (try not to put your password in your Display Name)
Done! Your login is the same, but your displayed name has changed!
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[font=franklin gothic medium]Again, I just want to thank everyone for their patience. As per usual with any site launch, we have a few teething issues that need to be sorted out - I'm really happy to see that most people are quickly adapting to the changes.

In terms of Reputation and Friends and stuff, I just want to say that the former was already discussed and voted on by the members ages ago. So we're really just responding to that. What you'll find, though, is that there's no "negative" rep in our system (you can vote down a post, but nobody's rep can go below zero, if that makes sense). And as you add points to people you'll notice that the titles are just fun - they aren't serious or anything like that.

And Friends is not a new feature. It's always been there in the form of "Buddies". The only difference is that now your Friends are displayed on your Profile - but you can make them invisible if you wish.

The idea is not to force people into too much, but to give everybody the choice. We've tried to do that as much as possible.

And in terms of the overall design...well, all I can really say is that we obviously can't please everyone. However, we [i]will[/i] be adding more layouts once we have the setup right. That will hopefully include some more OB-customised stuff (I have been working on a new skin for a while that will be really colourful and [i]very[/i] OB - but first we just have to get our collective heads around how to best implement it here). So it's all coming, we just ask for your patience. :)

I'm going to harass my friend about those OB emoticons, too![/font]
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[quote name='James' date='01 June 2010 - 07:11 PM' timestamp='1275433881' post='694149']
[font=franklin gothic medium]

And in terms of the overall design...well, all I can really say is that we obviously can't please everyone. However, we [i]will[/i] be adding more layouts once we have the setup right. That will hopefully include some more OB-customised stuff (I have been working on a new skin for a while that will be really colourful and [i]very[/i] OB - but first we just have to get our collective heads around how to best implement it here). So it's all coming, we just ask for your patience. :)[/font][/quote]

I don't know if I should be excited or worried about that lol. When you say colorful and very OB, the first thing that comes to my mind was that bright pink skin..... X_X Whoever came up with that thing is just downright evil.

Like Lilt, I'm just happy OB is running again. It's not often where you come across members who knows how to handle differing opinions too well.

Oh yeah, I do agree that it is a bit wide, but at the moment I see it as no major issue. Edited by Rebellion
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[font=franklin gothic medium]Haha, I'm sure Des will be working on another Caramelldansen skin in the future, but the one I'm talking about isn't the same. XD

If I had tried to do that skin right now, we'd never have re-launched! My hope is that it'll actually be easier for me to update existing skins now, because this software works very differently to vB. In the end I'm hoping we'll have quite a few skin options, with a mix of totally custom skins and some pre-developed ones. We definitely always lacked enough skin options on the old system, I think. [/font]
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[font="Tahoma"][size="2"]Perhaps it's down to a Scooby Doo overdose but I gotta say the new version is looking groovy.

Must say I'm kinda sad to have to stop posing in Size 1 Verdana now, just looks way too small to be legible.[/size][/font]
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[quote name='Stephanie' date='02 June 2010 - 10:57 AM' timestamp='1275436660' post='694156']
[size=1]I'm caught between wanting to say spiffy and WTFWHY?!


[font=franklin gothic medium]If you visit OB World, you'll see a recent post about why we had to make the change. So, being forced into that position, it was a contest between vB 4.0 and IP Board. In the end, IP Board won out.[/font]
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HNNNNGH... I'M SO CONFUSED!!! *chibi-master hurt itself in its confusion* OW!

I'm so glad that OB is back! Also, I think that having a Padded Room Party World thing on The O might have been even more of an ego boost for Shy. :rolleyes:

It feels good to be back...

Ho, crap, what did you people do to my signature?! :o Edited by chibi-master
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I suppose that IP boards isn't THAT bad. It just took a while to remember that an old MUD forum I used to go to used the same IP software. Yes it takes time to get used to from VB but it is not sooooo bad. I can't wait for more skins ^^;;
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[quote name='Korey' date='01 June 2010 - 09:34 AM' timestamp='1275410076' post='694112']
[color="#000080"][font="Franklin Gothic Medium"]Gah, now I have to find another Avatar, because I was using an OB default one :P[/font][size="1"][/size][/color]
[color=#4B0082]The avatar gallery will be getting set up again some time soon here. In the mean time, if anyone [i]really[/i] has to have one of them back, let me know and I can dig it out of the archive.[/color]
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[color="#000080"][size="1"][font="Franklin Gothic Medium"]Thanks a million Des!

The new forum design sort of reminds me of Shoryuken's forums, but they run the newest version of VBulletin. Although I'm still getting used to the changes, I'm pretty sure the culture shock will die down, just like when VV launched on theO.

They've been showing all the older Harry Potter movies on the Armed Forces Network channels over here and I have to say that they're still as boring as I remember them. Except now they're in standard definition instead of the HDMI that I'm used to :(

Good ol' Army tech![/font][/size][/color]
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[quote name='eleanor' date='02 June 2010 - 03:39 PM' timestamp='1275485971' post='694268']
Is it just my mac or like half of the users' fonts on OB now so tiny you can't read them without zooming in three time or squinting??

[size="1"][font="Times New Roman"]I think it's just you, Eleanor. I don't see any problems here.[/font][/size]
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[quote name='eleanor' date='02 June 2010 - 03:39 PM' timestamp='1275485971' post='694268']
Is it just my mac or like half of the users' fonts on OB now so tiny you can't read them without zooming in three time or squinting??

[color="#000080"][size="5"][font="Franklin Gothic Medium"]I don't know what you're talking about. [/font][/size][/color]

[color="#000080"][size="1"][font="Franklin Gothic Medium"]Also, I just found out I'm getting an additional 160 bucks from the IRS. Jackpot.[/font][/size][/color] Edited by Korey
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